
Selection Tools | Adobe Illustrator cc Beginners Guide | Toolbar Series


Adobe Illustrator cc (Selection Tools)


Hi guys this is Hamza Bakali here with another vector made tutorial this is actually gonna be the start of a new series called the toolbar series. I plan on putting out probably 20 some-odd videos that focus on the default tools inside of Illustrator and if you're not familiar with those that would be anything that you see here the typically on the left side of the illustrator at least that's where the default layout is it may look more like this for you but it should be somewhere over here if everything is kind of in default if you're not seeing it it's probably under windows tools and default if that's checked then you should probably be seeing it of course you can move this around wherever you want but the default again is going to be on this site so today we're gonna just deal with these top four buttons here the tools from selection tools from the Select the regular selection tool all the way down here to the lasso and then also deal with a couple other ways that you can select things that aren't necessarily part of those tools but that go along with it so let's jump on in real quick and get started the first thing we're gonna talk about is just your regular selection tool right up here it's hotkey V and I'm just pulling out a logo I worked on recently that has a lot of elements to it actually, it's a bit busy for my taste but the client wanted to have all of these things in there and so this was kind of the best way I could think to arrange all of the items they wanted in it and still make it look somewhat decent I also ended up making a little more simplified version in case they wanted to go a little bit smaller in scale but anyway we'll work with this and what the selection tool does it just looks like this black sort of Arrowhead you just click and drag to select things or you click directly onto things like this and that's pretty much how it works it will pick up objects or groups of objects so this right here is a group consisting of this path over here and this path over here if I click here this is a group consisting of this sort of offense posts and this red barn one thing to note when you're using the regular selection tool is that you can go into a direct selection isolation mode I should say by double-clicking on a group so for instance, this is a group if I double click anywhere within this group on it like so boom I'm in isolation mode and you can tell because you'll get this little blue lineup here and this should appear at the top as well where it says crying isolated group that's exactly what we want inside of that if you wanted to keep digging deeper you could keep double-clicking if there are groups within the group so for instance this is all grouped together these pieces of the fence and if I double click I'm gonna go inside of this group so now the only thing selectable is the thing that's in the isolated group so that's the only thing I can select none of this other stuff is selectable that's why it's kind of lower in opacity in your view now it's still there and will print a hundred percent opacity but you just won't let you select it while you're in this view it's very helpful if you're dealing with graphics that have a lot of parts and some of them are grouped together and you only want to focus on certain sections I could even click even further in here and dig down just into this side or I can dig down just into the piece that's here see how  helpful that can be and if you ever want to exit out of this you can always hit escape or double click outside so if I hit escape boom I'm out if I'm back in I double Click in if I double click outside I'm out two different ways to get in and out of the isolation mode, the next selection tool is the direct selection tool that's hot ta and with this, you can select individual objects or anchor points and it sort of ignores the group settings so if I come in here and just click on this I'm not going to get the full group I'm not even going to get the group within the group, because this barn is all grouped together but all I've selected when I click here is the inside of that barn see how that looks and if I zoom in real quick you'll also see that I can click and drag over the anchor points or click directly on them- like this and just have that anchor point selected now if I go to move this it's only gonna move that anchor point but it's gonna leave everything inside of the group intact so that later on I go back to my regular selection tool and I can still group select and move the group without altering what is grouped so direct selection tool is very handya30gain you can select multiple anchor points you don't have to just select one I could click here and then hold shift and click and drag another anchor point so I can get these two and then move them around however I want to see how that works now obviously this looks ugly but just to give you an idea of how you can select things and move them around within a group if you still want to keep this all group together but want to make some adjustments inside so maybe I want to close this door I might click and drag these two points here and move that over and I might click and drag these two points over here and move them over and all of a sudden the door is closed right now there are two still two parts here and I could group those together but you get the idea it's basically just editing within a group now the other one if you click and drag on direct selection tool you will get group selection tool this one I don't really use very often because it ends up being very similar to going into isolation mode with the regular selection tool but I'll show you what it does if you click on an object that's grouped will give you that object first and then if you click again it's going to give you the next group tear that it's a part of so if I click again it should select the entire red barn boom there it goes if i Click inside of here again it's going to select the red barn plus the fencing so there were three groups in here or really just two but it starts off selecting just this object inside of the group I'll do it again so just select the object click again I'm selecting the group that the first tier group that this the object is a part of which is the red barn click again and I'm selecting the other object groups that it's a part of which is this whole thing the barn plus the fencing on the side again I don't use it very often because I find that just using the selection tool and double-clicking on my objects works just as well when I'm editing so I just don't ever use the group selection tool but you know whatever works for you is what's gonna be best and depending on what you're working on maybe that's the right tool for the job I just find that in what I do in the day in and day out stuff it's not useful for me so I I don't mess with it the next tool is going to be the magic wand tool the hotkey for that is y and this is going to select anything that is similarly colored to whatever you click on so if I click here it's gonna get all of the red booms everything the thread is selected if I click over here it's gonna get everything that's black that is selected and let me just kind of click and drag that over so you can see it selected all the black now why did it not select these two things because they are probably a slightly different version of black and if I go look up at my color palette here this is a hundred percent black and this is 100 percent black but it's only set up to grayscale it's not set up for CMYK so it's gonna not select it because of that even though technically it's the same color so I'm glad that happened because that just shows you sometimes it's difficult to know especially on black if you're selecting all the same thing but anyway back to the magic wand tool hotkey why click on light colors and it's going to pick those up for you see so any way another way you might do this if I don't use the magic wand tool that often either because of this you can with the regular selection tool click on something that's colored you know if you want to grab all the green let's just grab this green over here and then come up here to select and do same and you can do all of these different settings here so either same often I use fill color or fill and stroke if there's a specific stroke color say that was green with like a pink stroke on it or something opacity is if you've changed the opacity everything here is a hundred percent but you might have some things that are too lower opacity and you only want to grab those things so this is a very helpful selection tool that's not over here on the toolbar itself but I find myself going in here more often because of especially for these fill and fill strokes I find that I only want to get change or select the things that are that have a specific fill or specific stroke and I just find it easier to click up here than it is to change my tool on this site so you know do whatever works best for you again if you like using the magic wand go for the magic wand but if you'd prefer to come up here and do this you know try it and see what works better for you and whats haves off the most time because that's that's what's really important here the last one we're going to talk about is the lasso tool this one is also one that I just don't use very often I find that this is maybe a little bit more like something you might use in Adobe Photoshop but because illustrator is largely vector oriented and that's usually all you're gonna have in here I find that the lasso tool just isn't really all that helpful unless you're gonna deal with something that's got a lot of points so this graphic here of the tree has quite a lot of points to it and if I use the lasso tool and just kind of click and drag and make a circle you'll see that all these little anchor points got selected right so the white ones our anchor points that exist that I did not select and the ones that are filled in with blue are the ones that I did select so if while those are selected I Click on the direct selection tool now I can click and drag and just move those so you can see how that could be kind of handy and useful to have this lasso the tool I just find that I can do all of that pretty easily with the direct selection tool just kind of clicking shift and adding to my selection that way it works about the same and has a little bit higher level of precision I just don't use these the lasso tool because it's all based on the study Nosov your hand and I'm honestly not that steady so but anyway that's how it works and that is everything I wanted to go over as far as selections are concerned please like this video subscribe to this channel as I'm going to be putting out more in this toolbar series I hope to be putting out several videos we're gonna go over all of these in details so you know what each one of them does and hopefully, you're learning something if you have any questions leave those down below in the comment section and I will see you guys the next video all right peace out

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Welcome to the Adobe Illustrator CC Beginners Guide called the Toolbar Series. In this series, we'll go over all the basic graphic design tools in the default toolbar, typically found to the left of your workspace. This guide will cover the Selection Tool, Direct Selection Tool, Group Selection Tool, Magic Wand Tool, and Lasso Tool. We'll also discuss Isolation Mode and the Select menu dropdown options.

Illustrator CC Toolbar Tools discussed in this tutorial:
Selection Tool, Direct Selection Tool, Group Selection Tool, Magic Wand Tool, and Lasso Tool.

#illustrator #graphic design #illustration

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